
Hosts(OCs and era office) asked us to the shopping mall called Teras park, 

that was my first time visited shopping mall where is pretty near of our house.

Onat(host brother) took us there around 10 minutes by car.

We arrived and got inside, 21 different country flags on each single table. 

I became exciting about this. 

That was a big opportunity to discover every different country culture!!!

I learned Ukraine girls are look the same, extremely similar.

Georgian has a lot of special painting china and they are not frequently speaking in English.

 Pakistan girls are very good at hand painting, and mental accessories are super cheap. 

5 bracelets cost only 30 Kurus(less than 4 NTD). 

Venezuela’s chocolates are amazing natural tasty, and cheap! 

Franco from Venezuela told us GODIVAs' chocolates are made for his country chocolate beans. 

Probably some products do, but not all of it from Venezuela, they always scatter chocolate raw materials from different place.

Morocco delights are special and nice.

And me, present Taiwan postcards shows nature views of Taiwan, famous green tea and snacks. I gave postcards to some people before we finished.

In the end of the day, we celebrated birthday to Amis from Indonesia.

Which is impressed me, first time in my life seen rectangle cake.

I wondered why and thought probably special meaning of it. On the other hand, the fact no one formed birth cake shape has to be circle.


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